Saturday, March 13, 2010


Somehow, our desire to go on a hike along the Rhine was actualized into a 13 mile trek. It was a long walk, but we covered some beautiful scenery and passed through four castles. One was a youth hostel (wouldn't that be a cool place to stay?), one was in ruins and two were open to the public for a small fee.

This is where we started, in the picturesque town of Bacharach.
We had to climb up a couple of hundred ice-covered stone steps to get up to the ridge of the hill. Once at the top, we had amazing views the for the whole hike.
This part of Germany is wine country, though the vines aren't much to look at in the middle of winter.
At some points we were walking through snow 6 inches deep.
Here's the ruin that we ate our lunch at.
This a shot of the same castle, but from below.

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