Monday, March 1, 2010


Hello folks! We've had a wonderful two weeks in Wales, about which I will write more and post pictures at a later date. Today we took a 4 hour train ride to London and we're currently in our hostel listening to crappy pop music waft up from the bar below us. Rather than stick around the hostel for the evening, we looked up CAMRA award winning bars and found a really, really good one in West London called the Bricklayer's Arms. They were at the tail end of a beer fest, which meant they only had a selection of 50 real ales instead of 70. I think all of the breweries represented were local affairs, many of whom appeared from their descriptions to be personal friends of the bar's owner. Josh and I each had our fill of porters and stouts and spent a good hour chatting with the kid who was dispensing the ale out in the back.

Tomorrow our flight out of Heathrow leaves at 5pm. We're planning to spend the morning walking around the historical bit of London and check out the Tate Modern. Our hostel is conveniently placed on the Piccadilly line with direct service to the airport. So we will jot over to the center of town to muck about and then gather up our stuff and head out around 2pm. We'll be in Germany by 8pm, to spend the rest of the week with our friend Christoph and his lady-friend, Vera. Yay!

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