Monday, March 22, 2010

Westvleteren 12

Our host let me sit in front of the telephone for over an hour today hitting the redial button trying to get in contact with the Westvleteren brewery...Beep Beep Beep Beep...It was a pretty crappy time, but eventually I got to have this conversation:

Monk: [Greeting in Dutch]
Me: Hi, do you speak English?
Monk: Yes.
Me: Cool. I'd like to reserve some beer.

Was the dude on the other end of the line actually a monk? I have no idea, but it's a better story. Pick up time is between 15:00 and 16:00 on Saturday. Josh and I have to catch a train to Poperinge and then either hoof it to Westvleteren or see about calling a bus to take us. How exactly we are going to carry 24 bottles of beer from West to East Flanders remains to be seen. Where there's a will, there's a way, I say.

Also, because I'm thinking about it:

Mich (our host): There's going to be a temptation today.
Colleen (fellow wwoofer): What?
Mich: Was that the wrong word?
Colleen: I don't know. What are you trying to say?
Mich: There will be thunder and lightening.
Colleen: We usually call that a storm.

I have pics from our trips to Ghent, Antwerp and Bruges, which I will post and annotate sometime soon. All I will say for now is, we ate the best waffles of our lives last Friday made for us by the great great grandson of the man who invented the waffle iron. It cost us 8 euro each for the privilege, but it's a waffle I will never forget.

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