All the other photos that don't fit into neat categories:

Sigismund had planted several pomegranate trees around the house and for a period of two weeks, we were eating them every day!

Did you know cork grows on oak trees? I didn't. The bark is squishy and they look really cool. The cork grown in Italy isn't wine cork grade and is used to make cork boards and other such things.

This cork oak kind of looks like a deep sea monster.

Oranges can be grown in Tuscany too, though they don't do as well as trees further south.

Lara eating her Elevensies, an event which can happen in real life and not just in movies about Hobbits.

I asked Josh to pose for a nice Elevensies picture and this is what I got.

Karl is the happiest cat on earth.

Ratzinger is the ugliest.

This is the polar bear on a leash that we had to walk by every day. Mean, vicious brute.
karl looks like my cat, peau.
ReplyDeleteand i think i might know a cat that is uglier than ratzinger.
i hope you're having a lovely time!
Somehow, taking a photograph of that cat made it look nicer, but she was really hideous in real life.
ReplyDeleteInteresting color on the pomegranate skin. Is it yellow?
ReplyDeleteYes it was mostly yellow. When they got really ripe some of them would develope light pink streaks. But, get this, you could tell when they were ready to eat because the skin would split open. And the ones that never split were guarenteed to be rotten. I've never seen a split pomegranate in a grocery store and yet I've never bought a rotten one either. Either they are selling us unripe pomegranates or it's a variety that somehow doesn't split open. I wonder which?