I figured out how to connect to the wireless internet at the farm. I have no idea why they have a network set up if no one here seems to know how to connect to it. A little digging on tech forums and the such gave me the info I needed to get the laptop online. This means I can now post more pictures!
Here is a panorama of Edinburgh from one of the bridges over the train tracks.

And another panorama of a cool park of various monuments.

I thought this would make a neat picture...

Playing around with night mode is tons of fun! Too bad my camera is too cheap to really do it justice. This is a shot of the Edinburgh Castle.

There is a Christmas market and fair going on in downtown Edinburgh.

Finally, a picture of the turkeys at Pillars. Unfortunately for these weirdly noble looking creatures, the end is nigh. Turkey Apocalypse begins at around 5am on Monday. We are getting up that early so we can catch them while they are still asleep. Our host claims this will keep them from panicking. Also, he said that when his time comes, he hopes it is also at night while he is blissfully unaware. I guess we are doing the birds a favor.
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